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There are few things as important for a person’s confidence as having a healthy, attractive smile. You may have started out with a pristine white smile, but there are several contributing factors that might leave you feeling as if your smile lacks the sparkle it once had. Tobacco use, staining foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, as well as accidental tooth damage can all lead to your teeth losing their luster.

Veneers are ideal for correcting stained, decayed, and damaged teeth. They are also used to repair smiles affected by crooked or chipped teeth. Fortunately, all it takes to repair the quality of your smile is a visit to Dr. Miller and his staff. Dr. Miller is experienced using veneers to restore his patients’ smiles to their former glory. And it’s all done with minimal inconvenience to you. After your consulting appointment, wafer thin porcelain veneers, custom designed to the correct color shade and shape for your teeth of your choosing are prepared for placement. The fun part comes when you are able to view a computerized image of how your new smile will look. After all, patient approval is part of the process.

Consider all of the ways veneers can improve and restore your smile and dental help. Call and visit Dr. Miller and his team for more information and an appointment.