Call: (914) 941-1639

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A Philosophy of Care and Respect


Thank you for your interest in the services we provide to meet your dental health care needs. Everything about us, from our spacious and pleasantly decorated office, to our very experienced staff, is designed to best serve you.

I have more than 30 years of experience in dentistry and have selected my staff for their competence and superb professional qualifications. This enables us to provide you with the kind of service you expect and deserve. We will carefully explain our procedures and techniques. We will focus all our efforts to ensure your comfort. We will be sensitive to your financial concerns. We will respect your time. My dedicated team will work hard to assure that your visit is as stress-free and comfortable as possible and always keep you smiling!

Dr. Allan M. Miller


We Do Our Best To Serve You


An Ounce of Prevention

We specialize in helping you maintain your natural smile.That is why we will work with you to devise a strong program of preventive dentistry through regular checkups and cleanings. If occasionally you require new fillings or replacement of old fillings, we utilize the latest techniques, including the use of tooth-colored fillings.


Something to Smile About

If you ever wished you could brighten your smile, we have safe and effective whitening, bonding and veneer techniques that will help keep you smiling with confidence.


Services to Meet all Your Needs

Our office also provides a wide variety of other services, including implants, caps and bridges, full and partial dentures and treatment of gum tissue.


A Soft Touch

We understand that comfort is one of your key concerns. That is why we use techniques that help eliminate or minimize the discomfort you may have experienced in the past.


Child's Play

We know your children may have special fears and anxiety about going to the dentist and that is why we will make every effort to build a strong trusting relationship with your child.


Continuing Care

Since regular care is so important to good dental health, we will pre-schedule your next appointment with our hygienist and send you a written reminder when it is time to see us.


Time is on Your Side

We know your time is important and that is why we will be on time for your scheduled appointments and we will work to complete your long-term treatment in as few appointments as possible with time reserved exclusively for vou. Since busy schedules change, we understand if you must reschedule your appointment, but we ask that you try to give 48 hours notice before doing so. For your scheduling convenience, appointments are available one evening per week and on alternate Saturdays. Please call (914) 941-1639 for your next appointment. With or without an appointment, please call us if you experience discomfort or a dental emergency. We will make time to assist you.


Sensitive to Your Finances

Since we understand that every person's financial situation differs, we offer a number of payment options, including credit cards.

In addition, we offer a Dental Health Care Credit Line which gives you the flexibility of charging your dental care now and making no payments for 90 days interest-free or you may choose a comfortable monthly payment plan that will not tie up your credit line.

As a courtesy to you, we also invite you to save 8% on your long-term treatment by prepaying the fee by cash or check. We also offer a 10% Senior discount.

We are always available to explain the details of our payment options. If you have any questions, please ask.



As a courtesy to our patients, we will complete and file dental insurance forms for your reimbursement. Please check in advance with our office to determine the insurance coverage which you may utilize.


The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Choosing your dentist is an important decision. We believe that our professionalism, individual attention and our devotion to providing the finest treatment possible, will help you choose our team for all your dental health care needs.