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Digital X-Rays
Digital X-Rays have changed the way we are able to examine your teeth, complete a diagnosis and better serve you as our patient. We gain just as much insight into the health and structure of your mouth as we would with conventional film x-rays, only with even more definition, less radiation in the capture process, and greater ease of display and maintenance of your health records.

We are proud to maintain this capability for the sake of your safety and satisfaction when it comes to your care experience. 

Oral cancer screenings are a very important part of the dental visit for the patient. With advances in modern technology, we are now able to pinpoint the start of a potential problem much earlier in its evolution. The ability to do so is extremely important in being able to treat any issues prior to them becoming a major irreversible problem.

The velscope allows us to view issues that can't always be detected by the human eye under normal conditions.

Certain lifestyle choices can have a great impact on the health of tissues and your overall health in the mouth. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure to get regular screenings when you visit the dentist.

Intra Oral Camera
The intraoral camera is an amazing diagnostic tool for viewing different angles in the mouth that we would not have been able to just a few years ago. The camera gives us the ability to view the entire mouth on a monitor so that we can get a closer look at any potential issues or problems that may arise. In addition, the patient will have the ability to see for themselves first hand the same images we are seeing. These digital images are also excellent for gaining procedure acceptance from insurance companies.

Lasers are everywhere! Even in a dental office! We use it to reshape excess gum tissue.

The diagnodent is a laser that has replaced the 100 year old technology of searching for cavities. A laser beam is used to the density of the tooth. If a cavity is found, we are able to fix the cavity at a much earlier time. The benefit, to you the patient, is detecting any problem earlier if a cavity is found.

Veneers are an excellent way to redesign and reshape your smile. Veneers are a very thin ceramic shell that covers your existing tooth structure. In placing these new veneers on your teeth, you are able to correct issues such as staining, cracked teeth, spaces, misaligned teeth, chipped teeth and many other cosmetic problems.

As the veneers are finalized, we will make every effort to make sure that your new veneers will feel just like your natural teeth. We will then bond them into place ensuring that you can enjoy your new smile for a very long time!

Fighting infection where it starts!
You may have heard about gum disease, also known as "periodontitis" or "periodontal disease." Maybe a dental professional or hygienist recently told you that you have this infection.

But do you really know the difference between periodontal disease and other types of complications that can affect your mouth, such as gingivitis?

Do you know why it's so important to treat periodontal disease-and why brushing and flossing alone won't do the trick?
Most importantly, did you know that periodontal disease is today's #1 cause of tooth loss among American adults? Or that, although a causal relationship between periodontal disease and an elevated risk for systemic events has been established,recent data suggest a possible association between periodontal disease and other health issues including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and preterm low birth-weight babies? 

ARESTIN® (minocycline hydrochloride) Microspheres, is an effective antibiotic treatment that comes in powder form. This powder is placed inside infected periodontal gum pockets just after the dental professional finishes the scaling and root planing (SRP) procedure.

Sealants are a great way to protect against tooth decay and cavities on children's back teeth (molars). These are the teeth that are most vulnerable to cavities and decay because they are used in the chewing process, and are the most difficult to reach and clean. Molars first come in at around 5-7 years of age, with a second set coming in between the ages of 11-14. It is best to have a sealant placed when the molars first come in to ensure they are protected early.

To place a sealant an adhesive is first applied to the teeth. The sealant is then placed over the adhesive as a liquid, as if it is painted right onto the tooth. The liquid then hardens and creates a barrier between your tooth and any plaque, food particles, and bacteria. Sealants last for about 10 years and can be reapplied if necessary.

Bonding and White Filings
Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Bonding can be used to correct cracks or gaps in teeth, as a filling after a cavity has been removed, or to cover up stains or discolored teeth.

A composite resin is used on the affected tooth or teeth. It is molded and sculpted over an adhesive gel that is placed on the tooth. After the resin has been applied an LED light is used to harden the resin, which is then polished to give you a fresh, new smile.

Bonding is an obvious improvement over unsightly silver amalgam fillings. With the advancements in dental technology, bonding usually lasts for over 10 years. It is a safe, affordable, and attractive solution for many dental problems.

Six Months Smiles
We also are certified to provide the new clear braces from Six Month Smiles.

Six Month Smiles does what the name will gently, but quickly (six months on average) reposition your front teeth with gentle forces utilizing tooth colored wires and brackets to give you the straight teeth and smile you have always wanted. In addition, for a limited time, we will include smile whitening at no extra charge!

Keeping our teeth their whitest is a lot harder than it sounds. With all the coffee, wine, smoking and other foods that have the ability to stain our teeth on a daily basis, even proper maintenance sometimes leaves them a little lackluster. Teeth whitening is an excellent way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than your natural color if you would like.

To accomplish the whitening of your teeth, we utilize either a tray whitening system or an in office 2hr. session. The tray whitening system is completed in 2 steps. The first step is to make an impression of your teeth. With this impression, we'll craft you custom whitening trays that you can use over and over. You will take a whitening gel and put it in the tray for a short period of time over a period of a few days. This often results in a whiter smile of 4 - 8 shades!

Please contact us today to see if you are a candidate for this type of whitening

The Nociceptive trigeminal inhibition tension suppression system (abbreviated to NTI), is a type of occlusal splint that is claimed to prevent headache and migraine by reducing sleep bruxism (night-time tooth clenching and grinding). Sleep bruxism is purported to lead to a hyperactivity of the trigeminal nerve, often triggering typical migraine events. The objective of the NTI is to relax the muscles involved in clenching and mastication, thus supposedly diminishing the chances for migraines and tension headaches to develop. It is sometimes used for temporomandibular joint dysfunction(TMD).

The NTI is a small transparent plastic device which is in its most widely used form, worn over the two front teeth at night, and intended to prevent contact of the canines and molars. It is normally fitted by a dentist trained in the technique, and is constructed with the help of a dental technician.

A dental implant is a titanium arificial root form that is made under the gum and a natural looking porcelain tooth is placed. It is a titanium screw that is place into the jaw bone. After a 3-4 month healing period you will then return to your dental office and a abutment crown is then placed on the implant allowing us to provide you with your new permanent tooth.